Note de degustare
Dulceață de zmeură
Ethiopia – Nesru Aba Nura
Această Ethiopia procesată natural are gust de dulceață de zmeură și mango, cu un after cremos - care este o combinație destul de bună pentru un cafea naturală din Ethiopia.Prăjitorie: Friedhats Coffee Roasters (Amsterdam, Olanda)
Hello Pavlo,
Thank you for your review.
We are paying a lot of care of the order we manually pack for each customer. Indeed we may do mistakes sometimes, but this time was not one of those.
I just checked your order and it was with an “Espresso” roast. You can check your confirmation email. It should be also written there.
Regarding the roasting date, we are always full transparent on that. And because of this on every product page you will find the roast date for each roast. It is the same for Nersu Aba.
I am will share the order details with you on the email as well and also paste the roast date from the website as well.
Thanks a lot for the order and also for the transparency to write this review.